Kaqun – scientific studies

Over 20 years of successful scientific studies

KAQUN water is the only water known to date for which scientific results have been obtained from research carried out on healthy volunteers. All KAQUN studies were conducted in Hungarian and foreign research institutes and university laboratories in accordance with professional standards.

They cover a wide range of fields. Some of these studies were carried out in laboratory conditions, others with healthy subjects. This means they were conducted under a special license authorizing studies on human subjects.


In 2009, KAQUN contracted the National Chemical Safety Institute (OKBI) to test the immune effects of KAQUN water on healthy volunteers at OKBI’s Department of Cytogenetics and Immunology. In 2012, we continued our immunological studies in Debrecen, Hungary.


From 2013 to 2015, KAQUN examined the effects of KAQUN water on patients undergoing oncology treatment such as radiation-induced dermatitis and drug-induced dermatitis.


In 2010 and 2011, studies entitled “Examination of the cytotoxicity of Kaqun water in HepG2 cells” and “Study of the effect of KAQUN on antioxidant capacity” were carried out in accordance with the regulations of the OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice (ENV/MC/CHEM( 98)17) at the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology of the National Institute of Chemical Safety.


In 2007 and 2012, we decided to carry out our own studies in the field of physical and mental health. The aim of these studies was to objectively examine oxygen saturation, reaction time, force effort, blood pressure, all data that can be derived from an ECG, stress index and standing stability of people during continuous consumption of KAQUN water, as well as before and after a simultaneous KAQUN bathing session.


Changi General Hospital, Singapore

The effects of stable oxygen-enriched water as adjuvant therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is associated with a lack of tissue oxygenation (tissue hypoxia). In turn, hypoxia is associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, which increases oxidative stress and hyperglycemia. In the case of diabetic patients, hyperbaric oxygenation therapy has been shown to improve the patient’s sensitivity to insulin. However, this is a therapy which, for various reasons, the patient cannot undergo on a regular basis. The present study therefore evaluated the effects of oxygen-rich water in a stable form (Kaqun – ELO) on mitochondrial function in the presence of normal or glucose-rich environments, as well as hypoglycemic therapy for humans.
The study showed that Kaqun water, by increasing oxygen levels in arterial blood, neutralizes the reduction in mitochondrial mass induced by hyperglycemia and mitochondrial dysfunction. Kaqun water is an effective adjuvant therapy for type 2 diabetes

*The study refers specifically to “ELO”, the brand under which Kaqun is marketed in Asia. Kaqun Water and ELO Water are the same product.

PubMed Health

The effects of Kaqun water on immune parameters in healthy volunteers

For over 15 years, Kaqun water has been the subject of numerous studies, analyses, clinical and laboratory tests carried out on healthy and sick volunteers, on animals and in vitro. The effects of Kaqun water have been demonstrated by research carried out in accordance with current protocols and using certified instruments.

The study ‘The effects of Kaqun water on the immune parameters of healthy volunteers’ was published on PubMed Health, a search engine for biomedical scientific literature with over 24 million bibliographic references.

Journal of Medicine and Healthcare

Opportunities for prehospital intervention in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19.

As the Covid-19 pandemic progressed, the whole world withdrew in the interest of isolating and eradicating the disease.
Governments around the world ordered lockdowns, the use of self-protection equipment, and invested considerable effort in finding tools for treatment and vaccination. However, no one ever mentioned the therapeutic options applicable in the pre-hospital phase such as integrative and complementary medicine.

Dr Ivan Szalkaï AARMS

The effect of high-oxygen water (Kaqun) and the ability to use it to maintain military fighting capabilities

Over the past decade, the nature and purpose of wars have changed, as have the rules and methods for conducting military activities. The problem of chronic stress has become a major factor in foreign peacekeeping and policing missions. group study.

Dr Ivan Szalkaï University of Debrecen

Functional water – Kaqun water

The effects of Kaqun water on health are confirmed by numerous data based on experience and experiments, but researchers still have many questions about how this water can be curative.

Experiments demonstrating the healing effects of water are based on the following principles: Kaqun water is a substance with special properties related to the effects of dissolved oxygen.

2016 – VIII ARTOI International Congress

On the occasion of the VIII ARTOI International Congress held in Florence on November 11, 12 and 13, 2016, Dr Michela Marinato presented a poster relating to the study conducted by Dr Janos Hunyadi – a member of the KAQUN Europe Scientific Commission.

You can download a summary of many other studies here.

All Kaqun products are available on Xede Store, official distributor for France.

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